23 Februari 2010
progress preparation for my fiancee birthday
denver picked me up from my office around 8.30 pm
we had a dinner at pizza vs satay
my favorite place also, got more choice western and malaysian food all in one
actually i was so tired,
so, i take an opportunity to wish him
an advance birthday wishes
at night
i wait to wish him formally
but, was asleep with my handphone inside my hand
so sad....
sorry sayang....
n today
i dont have time anymore to buy him a cupcakes as i planned yesterday
maybe after works
i'll go buy something for him
bye-bye readers
wishme luck
im going to buy my fiancee birthday present
22 Februari 2010
23 feb
hmm.... since we are getting married soonest, so there was no expensive gift that i afford to give him like last year.
i plan to have a special dinner at romantic place or else buy him a cupcake that more cheaper i guest.
hehehhe :) i bukan kedekut ok.... we are on my way saving money for our wedding.
a few weeks ago, a had ask him "sayang ank gapo hadiah tahun ni?"
as usual, he never ask me anythng, not like me always beg him for anything that i dream off.
" xdok gapo eh " simple answer
i tak sampai hati, coz he always buying anything that i dream even it takes so long to buy it.
he meant a lot to me......
tomorrow, after having meeting with TM i plan to buy a cupcakes to him and then go dinner at somewhere.
opps onemore thing, buy a cards for him..... plan to deco with mhyself..but what to do. got many things to settle plus preparation for my wedding.
i wanna be
the first person who wish u
a happy brithday
hope this year will bringmore happiness in your life
n our dream to live together will come true
happy birthday sayang
true colors
aku patutnya dah prepare dengan semua kebarangkalian yang akan berlaku
sudah lumrah
yang tak pandai membodek
dibuang,disepak merata
yang suka dibodek
kembang membunga
bila susah, dicarinya kau
bila senang, bila sudah dapat apa yang diingini
kau lalau sebelah pun buat-buat tak nampak
apa pun
yang benar tetap benar
walau pada zahirnya tidak namapak
19 Februari 2010
Al-Andalus Restaurant alaArabic
48, Jalan Damai off Jalan Ampang,
55000, Kuala Lumpur
tempat ni best, harga pun best juga. silaha berkunjung ke sana ye.
P/s: promosi ini tidak berbayar ok!
8 Februari 2010
tips untukberjaya sebagai seorang blogger
ada beberpa tips yang aku kaji, sekiranya aku impelement aku akan berjaya. antaranya :
1. elakkan typo ( salah Type)
2. Pastikan tajuk entry adalah menarik dan cachy
3. kurangkan menulis terlalu panjang untuk satu-satu entry
4. selitkan juga gambar-gambar yang menarik untuk mengelakkan pembaca boring
5. link blog-blog yang glamour dalam blog anda
6. jadi follower kepada blog-blog lain
7. apabila membaca blog lain, jangan lupa tinggalkan komen pendek; secara tidak langsung mereka akan click blog kita
8. update blog 24 hours
9.jadi diri sendiri, jangan hipokrit
10. kongsi tips-tips dan info yang berguna dengan pembaca
::: kalau kamu juga ingin mencari duit lebih, sila create blog anda di disini dan seterunya sila dafarkan diri anda didalam nuffnang untuk menjan duit sampingan disini.
selamat berjaya kawan-kawan
4 Februari 2010
Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi, mugkin juga rezeki nak kahwin, tahun ini company aku beri bonus kepada semua staff.
Terima kasih juga kepada pihak management company kerana memberikan bonus kepada kami semua.
Semoga pada tahun ini, kami kita akan terus maju berkembang dan gemilang.
2 Februari 2010
Finally, I got a special dinner with him
After a few times we have canceled the dinner , finally we got the correct time have a special dinner spending time together.
As a starting, we just have a dinner at somewhere which is located at Midvalley Mega Mall. I cannot mention the restaurant that we went, but it quite exclusive.
Hmm, we had a good time together and im happy hang out with him.
This is for the first time over a few months we had a special date together.
Actually we're not planning for that, it just naturally happen when he asked me to have a dinner.
Hehehe J thanks god, my kayu denver not bring her kayu that night.
Love you denver.
I hope there will be the second time.
I want this…..